Title: Awakening Thirst: Unraveling a Case of Propofol-Induced Central Diabetes Insipidus Amidst Septic Turmoil
Author(s): Kwabena Owusu Ansah, MD; Aekta Gupta, MD; Kathleen Castillo, MD; Erdal Sarac, MD
Email: KOwusuAnsah@mercy.com
Poster Case Report & Literature Review, Posters
Title: Awakening Thirst: Unraveling a Case of Propofol-Induced Central Diabetes Insipidus Amidst Septic Turmoil
Author(s): Kwabena Owusu Ansah, MD; Aekta Gupta, MD; Kathleen Castillo, MD; Erdal Sarac, MD
Email: KOwusuAnsah@mercy.com
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